Shawna Murray-Browne | Decolonizing Mental Health

Before Shawna Murray-Browne’s brother was murdered, she dreamt about it. It was a residue from the trauma of seeing so many Black men being killed around her. This turning point in her career as an integrated psychotherapist made her focus on empowering communities of color to access ways of nurture, care, and healing, that the racist-capitalist society keeps away from them.

DECOLONIZING MENTAL HEALTH examines the obstacles that systemic inequality imparts on the mental health industry, preventing BIPOC and other marginalized communities from receiving appropriate treatment. All episodes will be streaming online, on YouTube, on PBS Mysteries of Mental Illness and the PBS app.

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Moderated by Tina Martin, a panel of mental health industry experts & advocates – Dr. Sidney Hankerson, Dr. Dan Foster, Paul Hoang, LCSW and Shawna Murray-Browne, LCSW-C – came together to discuss the unique mental health care challenges faced by underrepresented communities. Read a recap of the event and watch the conversation in full.